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experiMental ligHt dAnce videO

Click on that sticking out hand: My old website


The question of identity inside myself has been a rollercoaster. As one out of so many I wonder what role I take place. Not sure. As greek citizens ask me: I am a Gemini. Two in one and one in two and in addition: three and as one… My greek grandparents immigrated to Germany because of the pursuing of the communist community my grandfather was part off. My father met my mother in `Hude, in the state of `Niedersachsen, north-west of Germany. My father was holding a pub back then. Wish to tell the hole story, but let’s skip a little bit.

Walle, Bremen is where I inherited. My three half brothers and half sister formed me especially. They introduced me to Rap music, „Fashion“ and so many more early millennial aspects. Active as I was, I had always someone around me. 

I was started playing football and dancing simultaneously from the age of 5 and loved math. Numbers, Geometrics, Physics and natural sciences over languages and history. Adding up to a s-u-f-f-i-c-i-e-n-t graduation status. 










Totally lost by alcohol and marihuana abuse in my ages of 15-19. trying to intergrate, I guess the greek perception, I was always thrown too, when visiting Thessaloniki, kept me uncertain. Always facing your greek name in the „german“ territory of course makes you uncertain. 


Good thing: I got to understand that Alcohol and Marihuana, don’t help. 


I am still about of integrating the greek roots questions to my person. Stay ON.

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